Peace Love & Sillyness

Archive for February 2009

After watching this movie, I feel that the practitioners fell into the Absolute value orientation. Throughout the entire movie they did all that they could to protect/help their client (the President), without really thinking about the consequences. The decisions they had to make, such as the “war” in Albania and everything that happened with “Old Shoe”, were quick ones, so they had to trust that their ideas were right. No matter what happened they always had a new plan in a matter of minutes, which was not only impressive, but was almost intimidating because I’m not sure that I can think that quick on my feet all the time.

According to the PRSA Code of Ethics, the PR practitioners in this movie were unethical in that they were not honest. Not one thing that they told the public was true in any way. However, they were loyal to their client in that they were faithful to him and did everything they could to protect him.

In the beginning of the movie, it was said that “the dog wags its tail”..the tail cannot wag the dog because it is not smarter than the dog. So, I think that the logic behind the phrase “wag the dog” is that the dog represents the public and the wag represents the  PR practitioners & how they were able to get the public to think a certain way. This was shown throughout the entire movie with everything they were doing with their commercials and the war and “old shoe”.

I think that this movie made PR professionals look like scheming and unethical people. However, this movie did show that the PR professional is willing to do anything they can for their client. After seeing this movie I really did have to question myself about how far I would be willing to go for my client & how that would effect my career.

So it’s been about a week now that I’ve been using Twitter and I can say now that I have actually enjoyed it. At first I was confused about why someone would even use it and kind of thought it was creepy, but now that I have posted many tweets, some being questions, random thoughts, @replies, etc., I feel completely different. You choose who you follow and I have set so that I must approve before someone follows me, so it’s not so creept after all; it’s just as if someone is checking my Facebook status. Speaking of FB, I have found myself checking Twitter more times in the day than my Facebook and for those who know me, that’s a big deal! With saying that, it’s almost saddening when I get on and have no @replies from those following me. Since signing up for my Twitter account I have started following many different people and even found some friends with accounts that I have lost touch with over the years. So even though having this account is required for class, I will definitely keep it and stay active on it for who knows how long, and will also encourage friends of mine to sign up for their own account, as well.

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